December Book Haul

It's not good, guys. It's not good. Or it's fantastic. It just depends on how you look at it. First the physical books.THE STARS DID WANDER DARKLING and THE WEIGHT OF BLOOD I bought from Changing Hands, and THE LANGUAGE OF THORNS and GHOSTBUSTERS I got from Barnes and Noble. SEVEN FACELESS SAINTS is actually an ARC I won through Publisher's Weekly galley grab. Everything else came from PaperBackSwap.Now onto my real shame: the ebooks.I also have a few ARCs that will get read pretty soon into the new year.And a book called NEVEREST by TL Bodine that I'm blurbing, not reviewing. It doesn't have a cover yet.I wasn't going to list my TBR pile count because what's the point? But I want a year-end count for 2022 and I'm going to compare it at year end 2023. I'm not going to bother looking at it over the course of the year because, again, what's the point? It's massive. I know that. You know that. Let's read on, shall we? I am ending 2022 with 1,186 books on my TBR pile. Let's see what kind of dent I can make over the course of the year. Or not.


Ally and Her Mad Hatter by SN Hunt


A Cup of Holiday Fear by Ellie Alexander